Week 4! Cabinet updates! I had to make some purchases for the kitchen remodel. I needed to get a paint stripper and some metal putty scrappers.
To start I removed all the hardware from the cabinets. Then I applied a very generous amount of the paint stripper to the cabinets and drawers. I started scraping away the paint about an hour after the stripper was applied and realized it was going to need more time to get down to the base layer of paint. The next day I started to scrap away all of the paint that bubbled up. There were at least 5 layers of paint applied to these cabinets, and applied very sloppy. After receiving some advice on using a heat gun to remove the layers of paint, I think that will be the next best option! This is going to be one of the most time consuming project I have done to date.
*also STILL awaiting my asbestos test results!

Here is the video of Week 4
Items I purchased for the kitchen cabinet makeover:
Cost breakdown for week 4: $18.84
Total for renovation (so far): $66.79